


I have discovered that dogs are indispensable member of the family. I refer to my dog as HE. He is everything to me. He provides me with a pal to interact and “share ideas with”. He is always a fun-filled companion. My dog is a firm source of security and protection, that is why the family sees him as a constant source of joy: always welcoming, sensitive and understands the feelings and sentiments of all members of the family. A well bred dog is a man’s best friend.

In as much as it is a joyful experience, Owning a dog requires some cares:


a) Comfortable Living Space: Your companion would need a living space where he can lie and have some privacy away from some pests, from some unnecessary disturbances from children and visitors. He needs a “den” where he sleeps. A puppy would need 20 hour sleep a day.

b) Nutrition: Placing your dog on a balanced diet is very important. A malnutrioned dog is never good looking. Seek the advice of your veterinarian as regards with regards to this. Avoid overweight in him. Serve him water, food and water with clean containers. Punctuality in feeding is good.

c) Vacinate Your Dog: Generally vaccination controls the spread of bacterial and viral disease that could contacted via unvaccinated and infected or sick animals. Rabbies is the most important of dog vaccines and is required by law. Find out details from your vertinary personnel. Other vaccines like Giardia, Lyme’s disease, Leptospirosis, etc.

d) Regular Vertinary Check Up: Regular health check up can be very preventive to dog killer diseases. This of course will enable the vet to check abnormalities in heart beat, colour of the eyes, legs, etc. Ticks attacks are easily detected and eliminated. Generally, vetinerians

e) Bathing: regular or daily bathing of dogs with clean water and appropriate chemical is very important. This practice keeps your dog clean, healthy and attractive to all and sundry. A dirty, stinking dog cannot be anybody’s favorite. As your Vet to recommend appropriate drug for washing of your dog.

f) Enough Rest: Dogs like any other animate being would need some time out to rest and regain life. Children and visitors should know this. You would discover later that this is very necessary for both training and health of your dog.


Anonymous said...

one post yet. keep blogging.

Anonymous said...

Hi, well done. i need some stuff on how to train my dog to stand and to sit down.