
Free Dog Training Tips

Training your dog at home can be a great way to save time and money. When you are acquainted with some dog training skills, you will saving yourself some cost from professional trainers. I personally do not believe that there is something to hard in training your dog at home. All you need to do is to take some time off your schedule and learn some basic tips on dog training. Or if you can, pick one of the Dog Training Guides available in some shops. However, here are some of these tips:
(1) Praise Method is Better than Punishment Method.
The so-called professional dog trainers destroy the temperament of the dog at the early phase of development through hard and stringent measures applied in dog training. I do not share their view. The guiding principle is to build trust and respect into your dog at a very nascent stage. Once this is properly done, every other instructional training follows smoothly. I do not believe in rules, when it comes to training a dog. But I have only one rule: Do not punish your dog unless he fully understands why he is being punished. And in all, mutual love and respect should guide dog training. Bear this in mind as well, punishment rarely, works because often time, dogs don not connect punishment with the right action expected of him. To let them understand this is the main business of dog training. Above all, make training a joyful experience, both for you and your dog.

(2)Structure Training
Make a kind of routine for your dog at least at a tender age.
This will form the dog into knowing when you mean to play and when you are into the business of trading

(3) Patience.
Dogs are not human beings. To get them behave in a certain desired way isn’t easy.
However, a consistent effort will surely get you there.

(4) Quick Reward and Correction
Be quick to reward your dog as soon as he behaves in response to some earlier lessons, and do not to correct him at misbehaviors.